M.G. Isaac, S. Koch, & R. Nefdt
Conceptual Engineering: A Road Map to Practice
This paper discusses the logical space of alternative conceptual engineering projects, with a specific focus on (1) the processes, (2) the targets and goals, and (3) the methods of such projects. We present an overview of how these three aspects interact in the contemporary literature and discuss those alternative projects that have yet to be explored based on our suggested typology. We show how choices about each element in a conceptual engineering project constrain the possibilities for the others, thereby giving rise to distinct groupings of possible projects under the banner of conceptual engineering. We conclude with a critical reflection on the potential ethical issues that arise as a result of effectively putting conceptual engineering into practice.
S. Koch
Conceptual Engineering: Begriffe auf dem Prüfstand
Der vorliegende Artikel erläutert die grundsätzliche Motivation des Conceptual Engineering und diskutiert außerdem einige der wichtigsten Probleme und Perspektiven dieses noch äußerst jungen und aufregenden Forschungsfeldes. Ich beginne mit der Frage, wozu Conceptual Engineering überhaupt gut ist (§2) und inwiefern es neu ist (§3). Anschließend nehme ich die beiden Konstituenten ‚Conceptual‘ und ‚Engineering‘ genauer in den Blick, indem ich erörtere, welche Arten von Repräsentationen ‚Begriffsingenieur:innen‘ verbessern bzw. ersetzen wollen (§4) und in welchem Umfang sich diese überhaupt verändern lassen (§5). Abschließend diskutiere ich, wie sich Conceptual Engineering zu einigen bereits etablierten philosophischen Methoden verhält (§6).

D. Belleri
Engenharia conceptual
A engenharia conceptual é um método de avaliação e aperfeiçoamento de conceitos. Este artigo introduz-nos ao debate acerca da engenharia conceptual, começando por apresentar alguns dos seus precursores históricos, e focando-se, de seguida, em diversas questões fundacionais acerca deste método e da sua aplicação: Quais são os objectos da engenharia conceptual? O que torna os conceitos bons ou maus? De que modo adquirem os conceitos o seu conteúdo? Teremos algum controlo sobre esse processo? Será que a engenharia conceptual “muda de assunto”? Como se relacionam a engenharia conceptual, a análise conceptual e a filosofia experimental? Quais são as principais objecções à engenharia conceptual?